Why is the Application for Consultation needed?

If you need professional and competent advice or consultation from a specialist in a specific area (for example: consultation on promoting a group of products on the Internet), you can get answers to your questions by publishing a Consultation Request.

After creating a Consultation Request, messages will begin to arrive from freelancers who want to help you. You can chat with each of them and discuss the interesting details of your question described in the Application for Consultation. Once your questions have been fully answered, you can choose the freelancer who you think helped you the most and transfer the payment to their account.

Consultation does not imply the completion of any task.
Consultation means:
- study by a freelancer of the essence of the issue that interests the customer
- providing the customer with information of interest through chat correspondence

The Consultation Request document can also be used as a first step towards starting a more complex project. You can describe your idea and ask specialists to describe all the difficulties that may arise in the process of its implementation. At the stage of communication with specialists, you can select for your team those who, at your discretion, are the most competent professionals.